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Dynamiser votre espace de vie

Nous sommes la référence pour la personnalisation de vos portes, escaliers, boiseries et finition intérieure.

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Dynamiser votre espace de vie

Nous sommes la référence pour la personnalisation de vos portes, escaliers, boiseries et finition intérieure.

Inspirez-vous de nos réalisations. »


All About Stair Stringers


stair stringer

You probably didn't think stair stringers would be a complex decision. Indeed, the stringer is an important detail of your staircase. It dictates the design and style of it, making your staircase the centerpiece of your home.


Whether you are starting a custom staircase project or not, choosing your stringer can be complex. Before making your selection, make sure you are well informed. Here is a guide to stair stringers that will be of great help to you.


What is a stair stringer?

The stringer is a structural element, located under the steps of the staircase. It’s the part that supports the staircase. It can be located under the steps, in the center of the staircase, in which the steps will be embedded. It can also be located on the sides of the steps in which the steps, baluster risers and railing bars fit.


Types of stair stringers

There are several types of stringers with particular styles for each. It is important to determine the style of staircase you are looking for before choosing the perfect stringer for your project.


The stair stringers are classified under 3 main categories: housed stringers, open stringers and mono stringers.


French-style stair stringer, empty steps.


The housed stringers and open stringers are affixed to the sides of the staircase. The open stringer is cut open on the rise. The sides of the tread are exposed. Routed stringers consist of notches (hollowed out) in which the treads, risers, and wedges can be inserted (as you can see in the picture above). The risers may be absent, depending on the desired style. The steps can therefore be “floating” for a more modern look. You can also use this space under the steps to create a storage space, enclosing it with walls.


Central English stringer

The mono stringer is affixed under the stairs and not on the sides, unlike the housed stringers and open stringers. The stringer is cut so that the steps and risers come to rest on it. It is often installed in the center of the staircase.


By choosing a central stringer, you get a sleek and aesthetic style. As for the housed stringers and open stringers, it is possible to close the underside of the stairs to make a storage space.

marches flottantes. escalier aérien ou escalier suspendu.


There are unconventional stairs for which there is only a central stringer and others which have none at all. These are aerial or suspended staircases, generally designed with design and aesthetics in mind.


The floating step is a very interesting option for new constructions since its installation requires a reinforced wall. If you want to install it during a renovation, you will have to open the wall. The step is placed on a steel support, which may or may not be visible. There are no stringers to create the illusion that the step is floating.


How to calculate a stair stringer?

The design of a stringer requires quite increased mathematical skills. This is why in general, the stringer is produced in the factory with the help of several specific software. But if you are daring and want to make your stair stringer yourself, here is how we can help you.


You will have to wonder about the standard dimensions of the treads and risers, depending on the total height of the staircase. Without forgetting its inclination and the dimensions of the hopper (space reserved in a floor to allow a staircase to pass).


Here is each element that you will need to be able to calculate:


  • Dimensions of the staircase

  • Dimensions of the steps of a staircase

  • Stair length and height

  • Length of stair stringers

  • Stringer thickness and height


Do business with Intermat

Intermat is the largest distributor of residential doors, stairs, woodwork and hardware in Quebec. It is with confidence that we are now all moving forward together in order to build greater!


With Intermat's expert services, there's no need to worry. Come see us and we will guide you further in the design of your staircase. From stringers, through handrails, to metal balusters, we have everything you need!


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